Ongoing Projects
- BASAL/BASAL II - material-structural investigations of the genesis and distribution of flat-bedded rock salt (2025)
- BASTION - Influence of geological processes on the barrier properties of argillaceous rock formations (2025)
- Claystones in the geomechanical laboratory (2024)
- Collaboration with China on the isolation of radioactive waste in geologic repositories (2025)
- Determining the thermo-mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of evaporitic rocks (THM evaporites) (2026)
- Development of an AI-supported process for the automatic detection of pores in rocks – ITERATOR (2022)
- Engineering-geological characterisation of various rock salt deposits considering their genesis and geological formation (2024)
- European Joint Programme (EJP) – EURAD (2024)
- Felsmechanische und felshydraulische In-situ-Untersuchungen im Wirtsgestein Ton: Felslabor Mont Terri (CH) (2025)
- Hydraulic characterisation of host rocks (2025)
- Hydromechanical modelling of tunnel excavation in claystone (2023)
- International benchmarking for the verification and validation of TH2M simulators, especially with regard to fluid-dynamic processes in repository systems (BenVaSim-II) (2025)
- International DECOVALEX project (2028)
- International repository research (2026)
- Kompaktions- und Permeabilitätsverhalten von Salzgrus und Salzgrus-Bentonit-Gemischen als Versatzmaterial in einem Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle im Salinar (2024)