BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

In-Situ Coal Gasification (Underground Coal Gasification (UCG))

Begin of project: April 1, 2016

End of project: March 31, 2018

Status of project: May 1, 2016

Coal in its current and future availability is least of all energy resources limited and it remains or it will remain the most important raw material for a number of countries in the foreseeable future. Along with its classical use as a fossil fuel in power and heat generation, coal can be likewise employed for other purposes. This also includes the in-situ coal gasification (underground coal gasification (UCG)).
The in-situ coal gasification, in which combustible gaseous compounds such as methane and hydrogen are produced directly from a coal deposit in combustion process by injections of oxygen and steam, makes a relevant contribution in some countries such as Uzbekistan and China. Further pilot projects, serving a better understanding of the combustion processes were successfully started in Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Poland, and South Africa.

Current Projects:

  • Linc Energy‘s established a pilot project in Chinchilla, Queensland.
  • GCL Projects Limited (China) operates commercialization processes in China.
  • Commercial projects in Alaska (Cook Inlet) und Canada (Swan Hills) were planned for 2015/2016.
  • The Indian government aims at developing of about 60% of the non-extractable coal reserves by application of in-situ coal gasification.

Within the scope of the project a survey presenting advantages and disadvantages of the in-situ coal gasification process is to be accomplished and the environmental impact upon groundwater and soil quality as well the impairments from impurities in the air and land subsidence are to be identified.

Contact 1:

Dr. Jolanta Kus
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2629
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3664

Contact 2:

Dr. Martin Blumenberg
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2853
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3664

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