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Image interpretation

999_Abkürzungen sind zu ergänzen_999The image analysis system is based on the software package AnalysisPro from Soft-Imaging Software GmbH, Germany, an Olympus BX60 optical research microscope with facilities of thin and polished section microscopy under plain and polarized light and an UV source, a CCD-camera and a computer controlled XYZ-stage.

The CCD camera can be mounted on a Olympus Binocular with the same optical facilities. A slide scanner provides overview information on thin sections.

Additionally pixel-based images from scanners, microprobe, SEM, EDXRF, CL, aerial photographs and satellite images can be used.

Image acquisition and processing

  • Definition of the objective
  • Characterization of components
  • Selection and adaptation of detection modi
  • Test of manipulation possibilities
  • Macro recording
  • Process automatization if possible
  • Quantification of selected parameters
  • Results and presentation as image, graphics or table
  • Evaluation and interpretation
  • Combination of optical and chemical data

Data manipulation

The software shows all basic features such as filters, arithmetic procedures, thresh holding, for identification, quantification and classification of particles via selected descriptive parameters.

Data output

The manipulated data will be provided as images, spreadsheets, statistics and graphics.


Since phase separation is based on differences in the grey scale the quality of the acquired image, the homogeneity of the illumination is crucial for particle identification. If this condition is fulfilled automatization of procedures can be


Sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, microbiology, metasomatism, experiment

For details see poster (PDF files):


Dr. Dieter Rammlmair
Phone: +49 (0)511-643-2565
Fax: +49 (0)511-643-3664

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