BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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HELP Aceh – Helicopter Project Aceh

Country / Region: Indonesia, Province Aceh

Status of project: March 23, 2007

Project logo HELP ACEHSource: BGR

The earthquake and the tsunami on December 26th, 2004, caused the loss of life of more than 120,000 people, more than 110,000 people injured and the destruction of about 80% of all private houses, basic infrastructure and public facilities in the coastal region in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The helicopter project Aceh (HELP Aceh) between the Indonesian and German governments was dedicated to re-install the public life and to secure the future health and wealth of the people that suffered from the consequences of the catastrophe.

The aim of the BGR project was to assist the Directorate General for Geology and Mineral Resources (DGGMR), the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) and the Executive Agency for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Aceh and Nias (BRR) in their efforts to plan and realize a sustainable reconstruction of community infrastructure (like fresh-water supply) by providing geophysical, hydrogeological, geological and topographic data that serve as a base for spatial planning.

Survey areas in AcehSurvey areas in Aceh Source: BGR

The project was jointly funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi, formerly BMWA) and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany as well as by the Indonesian Government. The main activities comprised an airborne geophysical survey and a hydrogeological reconnaissance survey. The activities should contribute to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the tsunami-affected regions in Sumatra.

The target areas were: Banda Aceh (Aceh Besar) and the west coast between Calang (Aceh Jaya), and Meulaboh (Aceh Barat). The helicopter-borne survey was conducted by the BGR airborne group from August to October 2005. Afterwards an additional helicopter survey and ground based electromagnetic and hydrogeological studies were performed around the town of Sigli at the north-eastern tip of Aceh funded by Coca Cola Foundation Indonesia (CCFI).

Main results:

a) Banda Aceh survey area:

  • The area of saltwater occurrences caused by the tsunami could be mapped in detail close to the coast.
  • Deep saltwater occurrences particularly around 30 m depth were found and mapped up to several kilometres inland.
  • The distribution of clay-rich sediments was outlined for the entire survey area. Several potential fresh-water occurrences about 5–10 km away from the coast and within the Krueng Aceh valley were found and mapped.
  • Several requests for the geological/hydrogeological situation at sites for planned water wells were evaluated and could be answered.
  • A number of sites for sanitary landfills were evaluated with respect to the existence of suitable geological barriers.

b) Calang – Meulaboh survey area:

  • The area of shallow saltwater occurrences affected by the tsunami could be mapped in detail close to the coast.
  • Saline water has to be expected where very low resistivities occur, even at greater depth.
  • Several potential fresh-water occurrences close to the coast and along (former) rivers were found and mapped.
  • The distribution of clay-rich sediments at depths of some 30 m was outlined for the entire survey area.
  • Many requests concerning the geological/hydrogeological situation at sites for planned water wells were evaluated and could be answered.

c) Sigli survey area:

  • Along the coast of the Andaman Sea, no major soil contamination inflicted by the tsunami was observed.
  • Subsurface sea-water influx appears not strengthened by the tsunami. In the central part of the coast line, groundwater flow from the hinterland is strongly supposed to push back sea water even to off-shore areas.
  • Two major resistivity highs with considerable potential for fresh water were located. The larger extends beneath the central Sigli plains from the hilly hinterland down to the coast; the second extends parallel to the coast west of the village of Batee.
  • The moderately resistive substrate recognised beneath greater parts of the coastal zone at depths between 50 m and more than 150 m b.g.l. was considered a potential fresh-water aquifer that might satisfy the needs of the local population living from artisanal fishery.

Poster download:

Siemon et al.: Post-tsunami helicopter-borne electromagnetics along the coasts of Aceh, Indonesia (PDF, 704 KB).


Siemon, B., Steuer, A., Meyer, U. & Rehli, H.-J., 2007. HELP ACEH – a post-tsunami helicopter-borne groundwater project along the coasts of Aceh, northern Sumatra. Near Surface Geophysics (accepted).

Contact 1:

Dr. Uwe Meyer
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3212
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-2304

Contact 2:

Dr. Bernhard Siemon
Phone: +49(0)511-643-3488
Fax: +49(0)511-643-2304

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