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Exploration of Geothermal High Enthalpy Resources using Magnetotellurics

Report of the project:
GEOTHERM Programme – Promoting the Use of Geothermal Energy
GEOTHERM - Programm zur Förderung der Nutzung geothermischer Energie

 Click  to access the articleTwo-dimensional resistivity model interpreted from MT measurements over a potential geothermal deposit. The interpretable depth reaches about 5 km. Resistivity lows are found at 1.5 km depth between stations 105 and 103 as well as a shallow anomaly between stations 107 and 108 (Click at the picture or the line below to access the article)

Exploration of Geothermal High Enthalpy Resources using Magnetotellurics – an Example from Chile (PDF, 548 KB)

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