BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Participating in an IODP expedition

Organisation of travel and expenses

Each participant is responsible for the organisation of his/her own trip. The BGR travel agency is to be used to book the flight tickets. You can find all necessary information in the two forms Reisekostenantrag (travel expense request) and Reisekostenabrechnung (travel expense accounting sheet).

The IODP Office is happy to assist you with your travel arrangements, and participants are welcome to contact the IODP Office directly if they have further questions. However, we are not in a position to give any advice regarding e.g. entry regulations, visa etc. Detailed information may be found at the respective embassies, tourist offices or on the Internet.

Riserless vessel expeditions

For participants in the riserless expeditions (JOIDES Resolution), the IODP-JRSO has compiled detailed information on preparation, implementation und follow-up.

Life on board a research vessel

The photo shows André Hüpers, University of Bremen, and Steffen Kutterolf, GEOMAR Kiel, participants of Expedition 362, on board the JOIDES Resolution. The scientists form teams and work in shifts around the clock in the ship's laboratories. Pictures and reports from the research cruises of JOIDES Resolution give a first impression of life on board a research vessel.

André Hüpers, Steffen Kutterolf and other expedition scientistsSource: Tim Fulton, IODP-JRSO

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