BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Joides Resolution (Non-Riser Drilling Vessel)

A detailed JOIDES Resolution Expedition Schedule with contact persons and Port-Call Information for these expeditions is available from

Expeditions expected to take place in 2022/2023:

Expedition 400: NW Greenland Glaciated Margin

Expedition 399: Deepening Hole U1309D

Expedition 398: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field

Expedition 397: Iberian Margin Paleoclimate

Expedition 395: Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate

Expedition 393: South Atlantic Crustal Transect #2

Expedition 392: Agulhas Plateau Cretaceous Climate

Expedition 390: South Atlantic Crustal Transect #1

Expeditions 2021:

Expedition 396: Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin Magmatism

Expedition 391: Walvis Ridge Hotspot

Expeditions 2020:

Expedition 388: Equatorial Atlantic Gateway - POSTPONED

Expedition 387: Amazon Margin - POSTPONED

Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate

Joides ResolutionJoides Resolution Source:

Expeditions 2019:

Expedition 385: Guaymas Basin Tectonics and Biosphere

Expedition 385T: Panama Basin Crustal Architecture (504B)

Expedition 383: Dynamics of Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Expedition 382: Iceberg Alley Paleoceanography & South Falkland Slope Drift

Expedition 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Expeditions 2018:

Expedition 376: Brothers Arc Flux

Expedition 375: Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Expedition 374: Ross Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History

Expeditions 2017:

Expedition 372: Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides & Hikurangi Subduction Margin

Expedition 371: Tasman Frontier Subduction and Climate

Expedition 369: Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics

Expedition 367/368: South China Sea Rifted Margin A and B

Joides Resolution Joides Resolution Source:

Expeditions 2016:

Expedition 366: Mariana Convergent Margin

Expedition 363: Western Pacific Warm Pool

Expedition 362: Sumatra Seismogenic Zone

Earlier expeditions with "JOIDES Resolution":

Expedition 359: Maldives Monsoon and Indian Peninsula Paleoclimate

Expedition 360: Indian Ridge Moho

Expedition 361: Southern African Climates and Agulhas Current Density Profile

Expedition 356: Indonesian Throughflow

Expedition 355: Arabian Sea Monsoon

Expediton 354: Bengal Fan

Expedition 353: Indian Monsoon Rainfall

Expedition 352: Izu Bonin Mariana: Forearc

Expedition 351: Izu Bonin Mariana: Arc Origins

Expedition 350: Izu Bonin Mariana: Reararc

Expedition 349: South China Sea

Expedition 346: Asian Monsoon

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