BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Use of fossil marine resources in the Arctic – chances and risks (2015)

Report of the project:

The investigation of chances and risks in connection with the use of arctic resources is a central question of the German Arctic research (BMBF, 2015). The Polar Regions react very sensitively to climatic changes; therefore the effects of global climate change can be seen there very clearly. The resulting regression of the sea ice cover makes the exploration of raw materials in arctic regions increasingly easier. At the moment, however, there is great uncertainty on the ecological impacts caused by the economic development in the arctic region.

In order to allow a sustainable and environmentally safe use of arctic raw materials and to assess its risks, it is necessary to collect the basic data that are required to close knowledge gaps. These basic data include maps on seafloor relief, geological structures and raw material potential of the Arctic - as well as research on natural release of hydrocarbons and on communities of hydrocarbon degrading organisms in order to be able to assess the natural principles and processes of the reduction of contaminations. In the framework of research projects, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources carries out geological survey work in the circum arctic shelf areas on behalf of the Federal Government. Such studies and an enhanced fact base are necessary to obtain more certainty on the Arctic’s resource potential and also to bring more objectivity into the public debates. (WBGU, 2013)


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF): Rapid Climate Change in the Arctic: Polar Research as a Global Responsibility (2015) (PDF)

German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU): Flagship report. World in Transition. Governing the Marine Heritage (2013)



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