BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Minerals Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA)

Country / Region: Europe

Begin of project: December 1, 2015

End of project: January 31, 2018

Status of project: March 11, 2016

The Horizon2020 project “Minerals Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA)” continues the development towards a European network and knowledge base on mineral raw materials.
The interdisciplinary team, led by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), comprises experts from 6 Geological Surveys (GEUS, BGS, BRGM, BGR, GTK, GeoZS), Research Institutions (F-ISI & JRC), Universities (UL-CML, UJF-LIG, NTNU, UCL ISR), Professional Associations (EFG, EGS) and two SME (MinPol, LPRC). Moreover a group of further 15 European Geological Surveys is contributing to the work of the MICA project as third parties.
The consortium will collate data on primary and secondary raw materials and evaluate the data with regard to its usability for different stakeholders and various questions. MICA will also provide an overview over existing methods used to answer a variety of scientific objectives in the field of raw materials.
MICA aims to synthesize the work from several previous and on-going initiatives and projects related to mineral raw materials, notably ProMine, EuroGeoSource, EURare, Minventory, Minerals4EU, ProSUM, I2Mine, MINATURA2020 among others, and most recently the Knowledge and Innovation Community, EIT KIC Raw Materials, into a stakeholder tailored product termed the “European Raw Materials Intelligence Capacity Platform” (EU-RMICP).

The main objectives of MICA can be summarised as follows:

  • Identification and definition of stakeholder groups and their RMI requirements (WP2);
  • Consolidation of relevant data on primary and secondary raw materials (WP3);
  • Determination of appropriate methods and tools to satisfy stakeholder RMI requirements (WP4);
  • Investigation of (RMI-) options for European mineral policy development (WP5);
  • Development of an EU-Raw Materials Intelligence Capacity Platform (EU-RMICP) integrating information on data and methods/tools with user interface capable of answering stakeholder questions (WP6);
  • Linking the derived intelligence (results and stakeholders) to the European Union Raw Materials Knowledge Base developed by the Minerals4EU project (WP7

BGR will contribute to WP3 by providing raw material data and expertise.

See more:

Press Release: Raw materials intelligence to serve stakeholders needs. Press Release Raw materials intelligence to serve stakeholders needs. 4 February 2016

MICA - Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis

Contact 1:

Dr. Henrike Sievers
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3094
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3661

Contact 2:

Dr. Michael Szurlies
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2536
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3661

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