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TC Project Namibia - Sustainable use of the mineral resource potential II

Report of the project:

Namibia’s mining sector represents one of the most important pillars of the Namibian economy. In 2019, the mining sector contributed 9.3% to Namibia’s gross domestic product and accounted for more than 50% of export revenues. The current mining activity focuses on diamonds, uranium and metals like lead, zinc, gold and copper, whereas the non-metallic resources are only subordinately mined. Local value addition of the mineral resources and subsequent processing remains below expectations.
Since 2017, BGR is supporting the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN) through the cooperation project “Sustainable Use of Namibia’s Mineral Potential” with the aim of contributing to the Namibian “Growth at Home” Strategy in the mining sector. In particular, the Economic Geology Division of the GSN is capacitated to evaluate the national mineral potential and identify opportunities for local value addition. As in the preceding cooperation project, non-metallic resources are the main target. Selected clay and dimension stone occurrences as well as pegmatite-hosted feldspar and lithium-bearing minerals were investigated in detail.

In Namibia, pegmatites occur in the south between the town of Warmbad and the Oranje River as well as in the Damara belt in central/western Namibia. The Damara Orogen hosts five distinct pegmatite belts, which are prominently known for their tin mineralisations, lithium minerals and semi-precious stones. The pegmatites in the south are classified as lithium-caesium-tantalum-bearing (LCT) pegmatites and are currently known for a tantalite project.
Data collected during field work is used to create thematic maps (e.g. for industrial minerals or the distribution of pegmatites), while chemical assays are the basis for specific mineral potential studies (feldspar, lithium). The respective mineral potential studies include a description of relevant mineral occurrences in Namibia, different fields of industrial application and its chemical requirements as well as a comparison of Namibian occurrences with global markets. In a last step, mineral samples from Namibia are evaluated regarding their potential suitability for different industrial applications. The studies shall advise the Namibian government as well as potential investors and contribute to potential investment decisions.
With the support of the cooperation project, the GSN finalized the Dimension Stone Catalogue including a map in 2020. The catalogue shows and describes 81 dimension stone varieties, ranging from granite to marble. It will be available through the GSN sales office and shall promote Namibia’s dimension stone potential.



Annemarie Militzer
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3978

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