BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

TC Project Namibia - Sustainable use of the mineral resource potential III

Report of the project:

Namibia's mining sector is one of the most important pillars of the country's economic performance. In 2021, this sector contributed 9.1 % to Namibia's gross domestic product and generated more than 50 % of export revenues. The main focus in Namibia is on the mining of diamonds, uranium and metals such as lead, zinc, gold and copper. Non-metallic raw materials are only mined to a small extent. The further processing of the mined raw materials as well as their local use has a great potential that is largely untapped so far.
From 2017 to 2022, the technical cooperation project "Sustainable Use of Namibia’s Mineral Potential II" between the BGR and the Geological Survey of Namibia (GSN) aimed at contributing to the implementation of the Namibian industrialisation strategy "Growth at Home" in the raw materials sector. In particular, the Economic Geology Division of the GSN was empowered through training measures to assess the country's mineral resource potential and identify opportunities for local value addition. In this project phase, non-metallic raw materials were particularly in focus. Selected clay and dimension stone occurrences as well as feldspar and lithium minerals were investigated in detail.
On the one hand, thematic maps were created from terrain data (e.g. on industrial minerals or the distribution of pegmatites), and on the other hand, laboratory data obtained in the project served as the basis for specific potential studies (feldspar, lithium). These potential studies include a description of relevant mineral occurrences in Namibia, different fields of industrial application and its chemical requirements as well as a comparison of Namibian deposits with global market. Finally, mineral samples were assessed regarding their potential suitability for various industrial uses. The studies shall advise the Namibian government as well as potential investors and contribute to potential investment decisions.

The follow-on phase "Sustainable Use of Namibia’s Mineral Potential III", which is scheduled to run until 2025, continues the content of the predecessor project. Namibia's mineral resource potential will continue to be investigated with a special focus on opportunities for local value addition. Two further potential studies on selected raw materials are to be compiled by EGD/GSN staff members, also taking sustainability aspects (ecological and social) of mining activities into account.
Particularly basic geoscientific data, exploration reports and information on raw material potential are of great importance for further exploration work and investments in Namibia's mining sector. Access to and dissemination of this raw material information will be improved at various levels in the current project phase. Investors and political decision-makers in particular, as well as the general public, will gain access to such information by means of digital information portals, but also through mining trade fair presentations, among other.



Annemarie Militzer
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3978

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