BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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International Raw Materials Conference, Berlin 10-11 November 2015

List of Presentations:

Keynote names

Kümpel, Hans-Joachim: Raw Materials Situation across the World (PDF, 7 MB)

Gemerts, Glenn: Towards Sustainable Mining: Key Challenges and Opportunities (PDF, 577 KB)

Lebert, Joanne: Transparency in the Raw Materials Supply Chain (PDF, 268 KB)

Steinbach, Volker: Responsibility in the Mineral Resources Sector - Engine for Global Development and Social Progress (PDF, 4 MB)

Saleem, H. Ali: Non-renewable but Sustainable: Confronting Environmental and Social Challenges to the Raw Materials Industry (PDF, 1 MB)

Session 1

Weihed, Pär: The Role of Technical Development and Resource Efficiency in Sustainable Development in the Raw materials Sector (PDF, 2 MB)

Yrjö-Koskinen, Eero: Finnish Network for Sustainable Mining (PDF, 1 MB)

Hobbs, Jon: Mining and the Environment: The Bigger Picture at the Front End of the Value Chain (PDF, 11 MB)

Schneider, Gabi: Exploration, Mining and the Environment in the Context of a National Geological Survey (PDF, 10 MB)

Cerda, Iván: Sustainability Challenges in the Chilean Mining (PDF, 5 MB)

Session 2

Neves, Luis: Assuming Responsibility – Promoting Sustainability in the Raw Materials Sector (PDF, 3 MB)

Solomon, Fiona: Aluminium Stewardship Initiative - A multi‐stakeholder approach to responsible sourcing (PDF, 468 KB)

Horning, Jennifer: Solidaridad’s Gold programme - greater responsibility from mine to market (PDF, 2 MB)

Buenger, Thomas: Supply chain responsibility: A smelter’s view (PDF, 1 MB)

Mabolia, Paul: Role of Mining countries, challenges and implications of due diligence requirements from a developing country point of view, lessons learned (PDF, 869 KB)


Maréchal, Louis: The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals and its implementation programme

Koch, Dirk Jan: Working together to source responsibly (PDF, 583 KB)

Brunkhorst, R. : Aluminium in Construction – a Contribution to Sustainability through the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative

Side Event

Killiches, Franziska: Assessing and Enhancing the Contribution of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SME) to Due Diligence for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains (PDF, 389 KB)

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