BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Geology and Mining Inspection System (GMIIS) - Mongolia

Report of the project:

BGR supports the development of an information system for inspections of geological exploration and mining activities (GMIIS) at the Mongolian General Agency for Specialized Inspection (GASI) since 2010 as part of the TC-project “Environmental Protection in Mining”. The current work on the system focuses on adapting current legal requirements, on the improvement of the database interface and on an optimized user guidance in the field. The system is in the testing phase and will be taken into service shortly.

The information system has been set up to support the preparation of inspection trips and data analysis in the Ulaanbaatar headquarters and GASI field offices. The GMIIS-Field Application serves as a platform for data input during the inspections. The GMIIS-Office Application consists of a data base, based on Microsoft Server 2014 and an internet client for office works. Geodata/Coordinates are tracked by GPS with a customized version of GAFMap (GAF AG, Munich) and can be visualized and edited. The GIS application is supplemented in the headquarters by ESRI ArcView.

Inspectors and employees of the computing center at GASI are being trained to use the system and provide feedback during the development.

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