BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Mauritania – Diversification of the Mining Sector II: WebGIS

Report of the project:

With a view to greater diversification in the Mauritanian mining sector and regarding the establishment of value chains within Mauritania, non-metallic raw materials (e.g. construction raw materials, phosphate, industrial minerals) offer promising potential. These have not yet been sufficiently exploited: The BGR project therefore focuses on the processing of these non-metallic raw materials. BGR supports the responsible Mauritanian Ministry of Mining and its subordinate authority "ANARPAM" (Agence Nationale de Recherches Géologiques et du Patrimoine Minier, formerly OMRG).

One of the main problems in the exploitation of the country's non-metallic raw materials is the insufficient data basis for the corresponding deposits. Therefore, the data management and information system developed in the previous project is to be further expanded at the partner ANARPAM. For this purpose, a database was designed and corresponding hardware and software installed with the partner. Thus conditions were created to digitize data already during the sampling in the field and to prepare them directly for publication in a WebGIS. Parallel to this, the training of ANARPAM specialists in the use and expansion of the database is being continued.

The aim is to establish an infrastructure that enables ANARPAM staff to create and manage high-quality deposit and economic geological data on the country's non-metallic mineral deposits and make them available to potential investors.


Christoph Wosniok
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3692

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