BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe


Earthquake Catalogue for Germany

  • HENGER, M. & LEYDECKER, G. (Eds.) (1978 ff): Erdbeben in (der Bundesrepublik) Deutschland 1974. - series, last published year is 1994. BGR, Hannover.
  • LEYDECKER, G. (1986): Erdbebenkatalog für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit Randgebieten für die Jahre 1000 - 1981. - Geol.Jb., E 36, 3-83, 7 Abb., 2 Tab.; Hannover.
  • GRÜNTHAL, G. (1988): Erdbebenkatalog des Territoriums der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik und angrenzender Gebiete von 823 bis 1984. - Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Nr.99, Potsdam.
  • LEYDECKER, G. & WITTEKIND, H. (1988): Seismotektonische Karte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1 : 2.000.000. - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover. Vertrieb: Geocenter Stuttgart.
  • LEYDECKER, G. (2011): Erdbebenkatalog für Deutschland mit Randgebieten für die Jahre 800 bis 2008. Geologisches Jahrbuch, E 59, 1-198; Hannover

Earthquake Catalogue for the EU (as of 1990), Austria, and Switzerland

Source of earthquake catalogue and epicenter map:

  • VAN GILS,J.M. & G.LEYDECKER (eds.) (1991): Catalogue of European earthquakes with intensities higher than 4. - Commission of the European Communities - nuclear science and technology. 353 pp., 14 fig., 1 tab.- ISBN 92-826-2506-0, Catalogue number: CD-NA-13406-EN-C. Brussels - Luxembourg.

Earthquake Catalogue of Central and Southeastern Europe

Source of earthquake catalogue and epicenter map:

  • SHEBALIN,N.V., LEYDECKER,G., MOKRUSHINA,N.G., TATEVOSSIAN,R.E., ERTELEVA,O.O. & V.YU.VASSILIEV (1997): Earthquake Catalogue for Central and Southeastern Europe 342 BC - 1990 AD. - European Commission, Report No. ETNU CT 93 - 0087, Brussels

Earthquake Catalogue of the Former Soviet Union

Source of earthquake catalogue and epicenter map:

  • SHEBALIN,N.V. & G.LEYDECKER (1997): Earthquake Catalogue for the Former Soviet Union and Borders up to 1988. - 135 pp., 13 fig.; European Commission, Report No. EUR 17245 EN, Nuclear Science and Technology Series. ISSN 1018-5593 - Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.

Earthquake Catalogue of Ghana

Source of earthquake catalogue and epicenter map:

  • AMPONSAH, P., LEYDECKER, G. & MUFF, R. (2012): Earthquake catalogue of Ghana for the time period 1615–2003 with special reference to the tectono-structural evolution of south-east Ghana. – Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 75, 1-13, 6 fig., 1 tab.; 18 Oct. 2012.

Seismogeographical Regionalisation of Germany

Source of regionalisation for Germany:

  • LEYDECKER, G. & H. AICHELE (1998): The Seismogeographical Regionalisation of Germany: The Prime Example for Third-Level Regionalisation.- Geol. Jahrbuch, Reihe E, 55, 85-98, 6 figs., 1 tab., Hannover.
  • LEYDECKER, G. (2011): Erdbebenkatalog für Deutschland mit Randgebieten für die Jahre 800 bis 2008. Geologisches Jahrbuch, E 59, 1-198; Hannover


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