Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Organizations in Africa - Training manual
VAESSEN, V. & BRENTFÜHRER, R. (2015): Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Basin Organizations in Africa. Training manual by AGW-Net, BGR, IWMI, CapNet, ANBO, & IGRAC. - BGR; 219 p., Hannover (PDF, 5 MB)
Introduction (PDF, 513 KB)
Module 1: Framework and needs assessment of groundwater management in transboundary basin organizations in Africa (PDF, 889 KB)
Module 2: Integrated water resources management and the groundwater management framework (PDF, 773 KB)
Module 3: Aquifer systems characterization for groundwater management (PDF, 769 KB)
Module 4: Management of transboundary aquifers (PDF, 874 KB)
Module 5: Groundwater monitoring and information management (PDF, 662 KB)
Module 6: Groundwater regulation, licensing, allocation and institutions (PDF, 533 KB)
Module 7: The role of stakeholder participation and communication in groundwater management (PDF, 716 KB)
Module 8: Groundwater hazards (PDF, 676 KB)
Module 9: Groundwater for food security (PDF, 811 KB)
Module 10: Groundwater and environment (PDF, 482 KB)
Module 11: Groundwater and climate change (PDF, 660 KB)