BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Collaboration on BMZ Manuals

Water - the source of development (BMZ Position Paper 08/2019)

Water – the source of development (BMZ Position Paper 08/2019)

Practical implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Synergies and conflicts between water (SDG 6) and other goals. (BMZ Strategy Paper 03/2019)

Practical implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Synergies and conflicts between water (SDG 6) and other goals. (BMZ Strategy Paper 03/2019)

BMZ Water Strategy: A key contribution to implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement (BMZ Strategy Paper 08/2017)

BMZ Water Strategy: A key contribution to implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement (BMZ Strategy Paper 08/2017)

Handbooks, Leaflets and Training Manuals

Groundwater Management in Coastal Zones

POST, V.E.A., EICHHOLZ, M. & BRENTFÜHRER, R. (2018): Groundwater Management in Coastal Zones. - BGR: 107 p.; Hannover (PDF, 4 MB)

Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Organizations in Africa (Training manual)

VAESSEN, V. & BRENTFÜHRER, R. (2015): Integration of Groundwater Management into Transboundary Basin Organizations in Africa. Training manual by AGW-Net, BGR, IWMI, CapNet, ANBO, & IGRAC. - BGR; Hannover

Profit from Storage - The cost and benefits of water buffering

TUINHOF, A., VAN STEENBERGEN, F., VOS, P. & TOLK, L. (2012): Profit from Storage. The costs and benefits of water buffering, 122 p., Wageningen, The Netherlands: 3R Water Secretariat (PDF, 2 MB)

Transforming Landscapes, Transforming Lives - The Business of Sustainable Water Buffer Management

VAN STEENBERGEN, F., TUINHOF, A. & KNOOP, L. (2011): Transforming Lives Transforming Landscapes. The Business of Sustainable Water Buffer Management, 56 p., Wageningen, The Netherlands: 3R Water Secretariat (PDF, 2 MB)

Managing the Water Buffer for Development and Climate Change Adaptation

VAN STEENBERGEN, F. & TUINHOF, A (2009): Managing the Water Buffer for Development and Climate Change Adaptation, 51 p., Wageningen, The Netherlands: 3R Water Secretariat (PDF, 2 MB)

Groundwater and Climate Change: Challenges and Possibilities

HETZEL, F., VAESSEN, V., HIMMELSBACH, T., STRUCKMEIER, W. & VILLHOLTH, K.G. (2008): Groundwater and Climate Change: Challenges and Possibilities. - Prepared by BGR & GEUS: 15 p., Hannover. (PDF, 2 MB)

Nachhaltige Nutzung nicht-erneuerbaren Grundwassers

POLAK, M., KLINGBEIL, R. & STRUCKMEIER, W. (2007): Strategies for the Sustainable Management of Non-renewable Groundwater Resources - BGR; 12 p.; Hannover (PDF, 761 KB)

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