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          Conference "Hydrogeology of Arid Environments"

March 14 - 17, 2012

Hannover, Germany











Deep Exploratory Drilling for Wajid Sandstone Reservoirs
Abu Degen, S. H., Abu Degen, A. S., El Shazly Mahmoud, M.
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Hydrogeochemistry of Groundwaters of the Sana‘a Basin Aquifer System, Yemen
Al-ameri, A., Schneider, M., Janetz, S.
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Watershed Protection Management for Zara Maieen Mujib (ZMM) Project
Bani-Khalaf, R., Kalbouneh, A.
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Combined Uses of WTF, CMB and Environmental Isotopes to Investigate Groundwater Recharge in the Thiaroye Sandy Aquifer (Dakar, Senegal)
Cissé Faye, S., Diouf, O. C., Kaba, M., Diedhiou, M., Faye, S., Wohnlich, S., Gaye, C. B., Faye, A.
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Determining the Water Budget of the Gunt (Semi-Arid Tajik Pamir) Using Stable Water Isotopes, Hydrochemical- and Remote Sensing Data
Ebert, C., Knoche, M., Pohl, E., Rödiger, T., Geyer, S., Gloaguen, R., Osenbrück, K., Weise, S. M.
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Proposing the Best Groundwater Utilization for Haddat Al Sham Arid Region Aquifer, Western Saudi Arabia
El-Hames, A. S., Al Thobaiti, A.
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Characterising Recharge through an Arid Zone River Using an Environmental Tracer Approach
Fulton, S., Wohling, D., Love, A.
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Groundwater Resource Protection in Jordan, a Case Study from AWSA and Heedan Well Fields
Gassen, N., Hamdan, I., Subah, A., Jaber, A., El-Fahem, T.
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Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Potential Map for Amman-Zarqa and Azraq Basins, Jordan
Hamdan, I., Steinel, A.
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FAD: A Computer Based System for Frequency Analysis of Droughts
Hamdi, Y., Robert, J.-L.
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Development of Pedotransfer Functions to Estimate Annual Groundwater Recharge Rates in Countries of the Arab Region
Hennings, V., Massmann, J.
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The Drâa Aquifer System in South-Morocco - Analysis and Groundwater Budget Simulation
Klose, S., Reichert, B.
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Using Meteorological Satellite Data in a Hydrological Model to Achieve Full Space-Time Coverage in the Poorly Surveyed Awash Catchment (Central Ethiopia)
Knoche, M., Krause, P., Gloaguen, R.
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Erosion and Sedimentation Studies in the Wadi Al Arab Catchment/ North Jordan – Alternative Method Application and First Results in a Data Scarce Environment
Kraushaar, S., Schumann, T., Weber, M., Rödiger, T., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J.
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TERENO-MED: Terrestrial Environmental Observatories in the Mediterranean - A Focus on Water Resources in the Mediterranean
Krueger, E., Bogena, H., Friesen, J., Kallioras, A., Vereecken, H., Zacharias, S.
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A Conceptual Framework to Quantify the Influence of Soil, Land Use and Vegetation Heterogeneity on Soil Water Balances and Dynamics along the Okavango River Basin
Landschreiber, L., Gröngröft, A., Eschenbach, A.
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Preliminary Results from a Water Economy and Livelihoods Survey (WELs) in Nigeria and Mali, Sub-Saharan Africa, Investigating Water Security and Access
Lapworth, D. J., MacDonald, A. M., Bonsor, H. C., Tijani, M. N., Calow, R. C.
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Deep Fresh Groundwater Resources in the Cubango Megafan, North Namibia
Lindenmaier, F., Beukes, H., Christelis, G., Dill, H. G., Fenner, J., Himmelsbach, T., Kaufhold, S., Kringel, R., Lohe, C., Ludwig, R., Miller, R., Nick, A., Quinger, M., Schildknecht, F., Walzer, A., van Wyk, B., Zauter, H.
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Enhancing of Environmental Quality through Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Dar es Salaam Coastal Aquifer, Tanzania
Mtoni, Y., Mjemah, I. C., Walraevens, K.
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Decision Support System (DSS) to Manage the Zeuss Koutine Groundwater (Tunisia) Using the WEAP-MODFLOW Framework
Nouiri, I., Haddad, R., Maßmann, J., Huber, M., Laghouane, A., Müller, H. W., Yahiaoui, H., Wolfer, J., Alshihabi, O., Al-Mahamid, J., Tarhouni, J.
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Flow Routing in Ephemeral Arid Rivers under the Influence of Transmission Losses and Groundwater Recharge Dams
Philipp, A., Grundmann, J., Walther, M.
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Identification of Multiple Nitrate Sources in Selected Saudi Arabian Aquifers Using a Multi-Isotope Approach
Reshid, M. Y., Michelsen, N., Schüth, C., Stadler, S., Rausch, R., Weise, S., Al-Saud, M.
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Accessing the Genesis of Lithium-Rich Salt Pan Brines by the Study of Chemical and Isotopic Compositions
Schmidt, N., Merkel, B.
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Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using the Hydrological Model J2000 in the Zarqa River Catchment, NE-Jordan
Schulz, S., Rödiger, T., Siebert, C., Merz, R.
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Groundwater Contamination by Agricultural Activities in Arid Environment: Evidence from Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions, Arava Valley, Israel
Shalev, N., Gavrieli, I., Lazar, B., Burg, A.
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Freshwater Lens Investigations (FLIN): Visualizing Age Stratification and Internal Dynamics on a Laboratory Scale
Stoeckl, L., Houben, G.
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Comparison of Various Numerical Schemes for Simulating Fluid Flow in Variably Saturated Porous Media
Suk, H., Lee, K.
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Tademait Plateau: A Regional Groundwater Recharge Area in the Centre of the Algerian Sahara
Weyer, K. U., Ellis, J. C.
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Managed Recharge into a Karst Aquifer – Wala Dam, Jordan
Xanke, J., Sawarieh, A., Seder, N., Ali, W., Goldscheider, N., Hötzl, H.
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Thanks to all participants for the provision of the posters.

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