Geothermal Exploration and Promotion in Yemen
Energy sector
Electricity production in Yemen nearly 100% based on fossil energy (petroleum and natural gas). Although Yemen has approx. 550 million tons of oil reserves, and is still a net exporter of oil, reserves are limited. Taking this fact into account the government of Yemen is interested in diversifying its energy mix. Renewable energy techniques, including geothermal energy are also taken into consideration. The installed capacity of about 1300 MW is prone to huge losses on the main grid line. Only 40% of the total Yemen population has access to electricity. In rural areas only 23% of the population has access to electricity.
The government of Yemen is currently preparing the framework for private investments in the energy sector. A range of renewable energies are promoted in order to reduce the existing power shortages. Also additional gas and oil fired generating facilities are under construction.
Geothermal potential
Yemen’s special location at the south western edge of the Arabian Peninsular where the East African Rift meets the spreading zones of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden results in significant tectonic and volcanic activity, documented in both past and recent geologic history.
Since the late 1960s, various studies were conducted with the aim of assessing the potential of Yemen for the exploitation of geothermal energy. Study results demonstrate that some regions are well suited for the use of geothermal energy. Despite of the promising findings of preceding studies, further exploration activities have not been conducted so far. However, geothermal resources are estimated to be substantial.
Project description
The project ‘Geothermal Exploration and Promotion in Yemen’ started at the end of 2006. The project is carried out jointly by the Geological Survey and Minerals Resources Board (GSMRB), a governmental institution under the Ministry of Oil and Minerals (MOM), the Environmental Sector of the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and BGR.
Gas sampling at Dhamar region
A Geothermal Working Group (GWG) has been established at GSMRB and MWE. The initial activities of the GWG were a literature review as well as field assessments of high potential geothermal sites with members of the BGR GEOTHERM Programme. Based on existing and newly acquired data the Al Lisi - Isbil prospect (150 km south of Sana’a) has been selected for further investigations. The geoscientific component of the ongoing project focuses on suggesting locations for a geothermal exploration borehole based on sound geological, geochemical and geophysical investigations.
Recent developments
The BGR GEOTHERM Programmein Yemen is a contribution to a GEF-MSP on geothermal developmentin Yemen. The GEF-MSP has been approved and aims at financing an exploratory borehole in the project area. Since 2010, any field works outside of Sana’a had to be interrupted for security reasons. The situation became worse in 2014, so activities had to be stopped by then.
Cooperation partners:
Ministry of Oil and Minerals (MOM) (MOM) through the
Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Board (GSMRB) (GSMRB) and the
Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE), Environmental Sector.
Global Environmental Facility (GEF) (GEF),
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) (CNR Italy)