BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Tanzania - Sustainable Use of Geothermal Energy

Country / Region: Tanzania / Africa
Focal Point: Geothermal Energy

Begin of project: July 1, 2013

End of project: December 31, 2018

Status of project: January 8, 2019

Geothermal Exploitation DrillingGeothermal Exploitation Drilling Source: BGR


Tanzania’s domestic energy generation capacity does not suffice to cover the national energy needs. For a long time, a national energy strategy has been missing. Due to an unfavorable combination of an energy deficit, dependency on climate conditions and thus non-reliable energy production, and non-renewable resources, the energy sector is vulnerable. Its location in the East African Rift System implies a significant potential for tapping into geothermal energy to diversify the electricity mix and balance power generation geographically. However, the geothermal resources have not yet been developed and geothermal power plants are not operating.


BGR’s project aims to integrate geothermal energy into the national energy planning strategically and on a long-term basis, and to build related capacities in the responsible institutions.

In the first working area BGR will support the partner institutions in planning and implementing a strategy to use geothermal energy and to integrate it into the national energy strategy.

The second working area focuses on the development of geothermal sites. Appropriate locations should be identified and further developed. Through applications at the GRMF (Geothermal Risk Mitigation Facility, financed by KfW) for financing deep exploration drillings or other support mechanisms, project development shall be initiated.

The combination of these measures contributes to the development of a diverse and reliable energy sector in Tanzania. Thus, the quality of life of the Tanzanian people will be raised and economic development stabilised.

Project contributions:


Ministry of Energy

Tanzania Geothermal Development Co. LTD (TGDC)


Sandra Zafar
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-2368
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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