BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

Mozambique – Responsible commodity supply chains and sustainable production in Mozambique's mining sector

Country / Region: Mozambique / Africa
Focal Point: Mineral Resources

Begin of project: April 1, 2023

End of project: March 31, 2026

Status of project: April 18, 2024

Gold Small Scale Mining - Inspection by INAMI, Province of ManicaGold Small Scale Mining - Inspection by INAMI, Province of Manica Source: BGR

Gold Small Scale Mining - Information about dangers of Mercury use by INAMIGold Small Scale Mining - Information about dangers of Mercury use by INAMI Source: BGR

The core problem identified in this project is the government's inadequate planning and control capacity in the mining sector, the lack of transparency, and working conditions in artisanal and small-scale mining that are hazardous to health and the environment. The aim is to enable the government as well as civil society to control production conditions in the mining sector and to sanction violations of environmental protection or human rights or to exert pressure through critical publicity in order to enforce humane and environmentally friendly conditions. Further training is planned to increase the professional skills of the Mines and Energy Ministry‘s (MIREME) staff, as well as workshops for government agencies, the mining industry and civil society on topics such as supply chain due diligence, transparency in gold supply chains and international due diligence requirements (Kimberley Process). Furthermore, small-scale miners are to be trained in the environmentally sound and healthy handling of mercury. Additional geoscientific content includes the development of a mine closure plan with a view to examples from other countries and the pilot physical protection of closed mine sites.

Heavy Mineral Sand Sampling, Province of NampulaHeavy Mineral Sand Sampling, Province of Nampula Source: BGR

Heavy Mineral Sand Processing, Province of NampulaHeavy Mineral Sand Processing, Province of Nampula Source: BGR

For improved control of export quantities and quality of heavy mineral sands, samples will be taken and analysed in the MIREME laboratory. An inter-laboratory comparison of the laboratory with an international laboratory will serve to verify and, if necessary, adjust the laboratory's performance. In addition, on-the-job trainings for state inspectors are planned for the effective control of mining sites.
Target groups are government institutions as well as small-scale miners and civil society. This multi-actor partnership should lead to a profitable exchange among each other and to better performance and ownership of each actor group.

The Mozambican Ministry of Mines and Energy (MIREME) acts as the project partner.

Some more information about the project „Responsible commodity supply chains and sustainable production in Mozambique`s mining sector“


Factsheet in English, Portuguese, and German


MIREME - Ministério dos Recursos Minerais e Energia (Ministry for Mineral Resources and Energy); DNGM - Direcção de Geologia e Minas (National Directorate of Geology and Mining)


Katharina Schnell
Phone: +49-(0)511-643-3076
Fax: +49-(0)511-643-3689

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