BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Baseline for project work

Baseline for project work (PDF, 2 MB)

Publishable Interim Reports

1st Periodic Report, Public Version (PDF, 131 KB)

2nd Periodic Report, Public Version (PDF, 375 KB)

General Information about interim result and events

PEBS Newsletter 01 (PDF, 1 MB)

PEBS Newsletter 02 (PDF, 878 KB)

PEBS Newsletter 03 (PDF, 446 KB)

PEBS Newsletter 04 (PDF, 222 KB)

PEBS Newsletter 05 (PDF, 208 KB)

PEBS Newsletter 06 (PDF, 675 KB)

PEBS Newsletter 07 (PDF, 2 MB)

PEBS Newsletter 08 (PDF, 403 KB)

Unclassified deliverables

Del.- no. Deliverable nameDissemination level
D1.1List of issues (PDF, 2 MB)PU
D1.2List of scenarios and cases to be studied (PDF, 222 KB)PU
D2.1-1Engineered Barrier Emplacement Experiment in Opalinus Clay: "EB" Experiment. Horizontal borehole results (geophysics, hydro test, laboratory test) (PDF, 8 MB) PU
D2.1-4As-built of dismantling operation (PDF, 16 MB)PU
D2.1-5Laboratory infiltration tests report (PDF, 1 MB)PU
D2.1-6EDZ seismic results - seismic transmission measurements (PDF, 11 MB)PU
D2.1-7EB experiment Laboratory post-mortem analyses report (PDF, 8 MB)PU
D2.1-8EB dismantling (synthesis report) (PDF, 5 MB)PU
D2.1-9Engineered Barrier Emplacement Experiment in Opalinus Clay: “EB” Experiment Geoelectrical monitoring of dismantling operation (PDF, 952 KB)PU
D2.2-3Report of the construction of the HE-E experiment (PDF, 21 MB)PU
D2.2-5Laboratory tests report on HE-E buffer material (PDF, 2 MB)PU
D2.2-7.1Long-term THM tests reports: THM cells for the HE-E test: setup and first results (PDF, 2 MB)PU
D2.2-7.2Long-term THM tests reports: Isothermal infiltration tests with materials from the HE-E (PDF, 7 MB)PU
D2.2-7.3Long-term THM tests reports: THM cells for the HE-E test: update of results until February 2014 (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D2.2-8.1HE-E annual monitoring report (1st Report, period 01/03/11 - 28/02/12) (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D2.2-8.2HE-E annual monitoring report (2nd Report, period 01/03/12 - 28/02/13) (PDF, 6 MB)PU
D2.2-8.3HE-E anual monitoring report (3rd Report, period 01/03/13 - 28/02/14) (PDF, 6 MB)PU
D2.2-9Thermal characterisation of HE-E buffer (PDF, 661 KB)PU
D2.2-10Seismic data report on EDZ and EBS evolution (HE-E) (PDF, 27 MB) PU
D2.2-11 Final report on the HE-E Experiment (PDF, 15 MB)PU
D2.2-12 Laboratory studies on stress-strain behavior (PDF, 2 MB)PU
D2.3-1Feasibility report on GAME mock-ups (PDF, 5 MB)PU
D2.3-2.1Reports on GAME status (1st Report, period until 31.12.11) (PDF, 5 MB)PU
D2.3-2.2Reports on GAME status (2nd Report, period until 01.07.13) (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D2.3.3.1Laboratory tests at the interfaces (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D2.3-3.2Laboratory tests at the interfaces: Results of Small Cells with mortar-bentonite-magnetite (PDF, 4 MB)PU
D2.3-5GAME data analysis report before dismantling (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D2.3-6.1Geochemical interactions at the concrete-bentonite interface of column experiments (PDF, 5 MB)PU
D2.3-6.2Formation of iron oxide and oxyhidroxides under different environmental conditions (PDF, 4 MB)PU
D3.1-1Modelling and interpretation of the EB experiment hydration (PDF, 4 MB)PU
D3.1-2Interpretation of the final state of the EB experiment barrier (PDF, 4 MB)PU
D3.2-1Design and predictive modelling of the HE-E test (PDF, 20 MB)PU
D3.2-2Modeling and interpretation of the HE-E test (PDF, 15 MB) PU
D3.3-1THM Model validation modelling of selected WP2 experiments (PDF, 5 MB)PU
D3.3-2Report on the modeling with initially available data (PDF, 888 KB)PU
D3.3-3Modelling and interpretation of the FEBEX mock up test and of the long-term THM tests (PDF, 22 MB)PU
D3.4-1Report on testing multiple-continua THC(m) models with laboratory and large-scale tests (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D3.5-1Report on integration of available data for bentonites (PDF, 11 MB)
from different scales and scaling laws and extrapolation
for long-term analyses for clay barriers
D3.5-2Formulation of a model suitable for long term predictions (PDF, 512 KB) PU
D3.5-3Report on long term THC(m) predictions of a HLW repository in granite (PDF, 12 MB)PU
D3.5-4Extrapolation of the models developed to the repository long-term evolution and evaluation of uncertainties (PDF, 19 MB)PU
D3.5-4aExtrapolation of the models developed to the repository longterm evolution and evaluation of uncertainties - Review of thermomechanical continuum mixture theories applicable for EBS materials (PDF, 642 KB)PU
D4.1Integration of the Short-term Evolution of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) with the Long-term Safety Perspective (PDF, 4 MB)PU
DB-1Report on the detailed design of China-Mock-up test (PDF, 556 KB)PU
DB-2.1China-Mock-up status Annual Reports [Month 1 - 12] (PDF, 692 KB)PU
DB-2.2China-Mock-up status Annual Reports [Month 13 -24] (PDF, 592 KB)PU
DB-2.3China-Mock-up post-mortem analysis report (PDF, 3 MB)PU
DB-2.4China-Mock-up status Annual Report (PDF, 4 MB)PU
DB-3 China-Mock-up data analysis report (PDF, 3 MB) PU
DB-4 Test plan of the China-Mock-up dismantling operation (PDF, 207 KB)PU
DB-5China-Mock-up post-mortem analysis report (PDF, 199 KB) PU
DB-6Comparison of FEBEX Mock-up and China-Mock-up test (PDF, 4 MB)PU
DB-7Comparison of CODE-BRIGHT and LAGAMINE for THM modeling (PDF, 1 MB)PU
D5-1Project presentation (PDF, 360 KB)
(proposed for "Euratom FP7 Research & Training Projects" Vol. 2)
D5-2Communication action plan (PDF, 313 KB)PU
D5-3PEBS Newsletter 01 (PDF, 1 MB)PU
D5-4PEBS Newsletter 02 (PDF, 1,005 KB)PU
D5-5Documents of 1st Workshop (PDF, 21 MB)PU
D5-6PEBS Newsletter 03 (PDF, 446 KB)PU
D5-7PEBS Newsletter 04 (PDF, 222 KB)PU
D5-9PEBS Newsletter 05 (PDF, 208 KB)PU
D5-11PEBS Newsletter 06 (PDF, 675 KB)PU
D5-12PEBS Newsletter 07 (PDF, 2 MB)PU
D5-13Documents of 3rd Workshop (PDF, 4 MB)PU
D5-14PEBS Newsletter 08 (PDF, 403 KB)PU
D5-15Documents of 4th Workshop - International Conference on the Performance of Engineered Barriers (PDF, 7 MB)PU
D5-16 PEBS Final Scientific Report (PDF, 3 MB)PU
D6-11st Periodic Report, Public Version (PDF, 131 KB)PU
D6-22nd Periodic Report, Public Version (PDF, 375 KB)PU


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