BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe

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Second Regulatory Workshop

Workshop Objectives

The Second Regulatory Workshop is arranged to present and discuss the latest results of the PEBS project with experts of European and non-European Regulatory Authorities. Special focus is set on the analysis of potential impacts of the research results on long‐term safety functions and implications for repository design. The research work within the PEBS project is providing valuable results that lead to a deeper understanding of the barrier performance. The results presented at the workshop include:

  • Results of the PEBS laboratory and in-situ experiments,
  • Results of numerical modelling of the THM-C processes in the EBS,
  • Identification of the significant processes during the early evolution of the EBS,
  • Development of a process‐related description of the early post-closure stage of the repository and the residual uncertainties in the evolution,
  • Extrapolation of results over the transient phase to the long-term behaviour and associated uncertainties,
  • Possible impacts of the extrapolated behaviour and associated uncertainties on the long-term safety functions.

The topics discussed during the workshop include:

  • Importance of the transient period with regard to the long‐term characteristics particularly relevant to system performance and long‐term safety,
  • Significance of uncertainties arising from disagreement between models and experiments and their implications for extrapolation of results, with particular emphasis on possible impacts on safety functions,
  • Current status of the consideration of the early evolution of the EBS in long-term safety assessment and its potential enhancements.

Visit of Grimsel Test Site

On December 5, 2013, the day after the workshop a visit to the Grimsel Test Site will be organised by Nagra. The Grimsel Test Site located in the Swiss Alps was established in 1984 as a centre for underground Research and Development supporting a wide range of research projects on the geological disposal of radioactive waste.

Departure from the hotel will be around 07:00 and return to Zurich around 16:00 (access to the site will be by cable car).


Detailed Programme

Download Workshop Programme (PDF, 339 KB)

Practical Information

The Second Regulatory Workshop will be held in Zurich, Switzerland at the Hotel UTO Kulm, CH-8143 Uetliberg/Zurich.
Uto Kulm

Attendees who travel with plane or train: From main station a light train connection should be used (Sihtal Zürich Uetlibergbahn S10, via valley station "Uitikon Waldegg", to mountain station "Uetliberg").
Direction to Uto Kulm

Rooms at the Hotel UTO Kulm can be reserved via the registration form. Accommodation costs of 160 CHF / night incl. BF (about 130 Euro) have to be paid upon arrival.

Workshop fee
For the workshop lunch and coffee breaks a fee of 100 CHF (about 80 Euro) has to be paid at the workshop.


Registration is required until September 13, 2013.


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