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Understanding the performance of engineered barrier systems (EBS) is crucial for disposal concepts of radioactive waste in geological repositories. Due to the complex interaction of thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical (THM(-C)) processes, a comprehensive scientific approach is required. EBS research programmes include a broad spectrum of laboratory and in‐situ experiments. Findings of experimental studies are integrated into numerical codes for the simulation of coupled 
(THM (‐C)) processes. Extrapolating the results of these two approaches from the transient phase to the long-term behaviour is always subject to uncertainty. These uncertainties need to be evaluated to clarify their significance for the performance assessment of geological repositories.

The 7th Framework EURATOM PEBS project (Long-Term Performance of Engineered Barrier Systems) was initiated to evaluate the sealing and barrier performance of clay-based EBS over time. The project approach includes experiments, model development and consideration of the potential impact on safety functions. Moreover, the project aims at further clarifying the significance of residual uncertainties for long-term performance assessment.

Conference objectives

The objectives of the conference are to discuss, document and disseminate the current state of research on the performance of engineered barriers in geological repositories for high-level nuclear waste. Sessions are rounded up with discussions, aiming at bringing together views from experimentalists, modellers, and safety assessors. The outcome of the PEBS project plays a central role, but it is put in context through presentation of the outcome and status also from other projects and activities.

Main topics

The conference focuses on the evaluation of engineered barrier performance as the basis for long-term safety of geological repositories for the disposal of radioactive waste. Abstracts are invited on the following themes:

  • New insights through laboratory and in-situ experiments of engineered barriers,
  • Recent developments in numerical modelling of THM(-C) processes in engineered barriers,
  • Improvements in long-term performance prediction and potential impacts on safety assessment.

Programme Committee

Wilhelm Bollingerfehr – DBE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany
Gunnar Buckau – European Commission, JRC-ITU
Annika Schäfers – BGR, Germany
Peter Wikberg – SKB, Sweden
Steve Williams – NDA, UK

Organising Committee

Christophe Davies – European Commission, DG RTD
Sandra Fahland – BGR, Germany
Stefan Heusermann – BGR, Germany
Jürgen Soldan – BGR, Germany


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